To be posted at the church door, and scrolled on the streaming before the start of the service:
This building is sacred worship space, not public property. On Sunday mornings it is intended for worship of Jesus Christ alone.
Fellow sinners are welcome here to worship Jesus with us in this holy, sanctified space. Entry for any other purpose is not permitted without our express, written consent obtained in advance.
The City Ordinance
The City of Milwaukee recently enacted an ordinance that requires wearing a mask in public spaces. Our building is private property, but we still want to follow our own mask guidelines as directed by recognized health experts.
Please be aware that according to the ordinance, at least the following persons should not wear a mask:
Fellow sinners are welcome here to worship Jesus with us in this holy, sanctified space. Entry for any other purpose is not permitted without our express, written consent obtained in advance.
The City Ordinance
The City of Milwaukee recently enacted an ordinance that requires wearing a mask in public spaces. Our building is private property, but we still want to follow our own mask guidelines as directed by recognized health experts.
Please be aware that according to the ordinance, at least the following persons should not wear a mask:
- Persons with certain medical conditions, mental health conditions, developmental disabilities, or for whom no other accommodation can be offered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, according to Centers for Disease Control guidance.
- Persons who have upper-respiratory chronic conditions, silent or invisible disabilities, or are communicating with an individual who is deaf or hard of hearing and communication cannot be achieved through other means.
- Persons in settings where it is not practical or feasible to wear face coverings when rendering services.
- Those whom federal, state, or local law otherwise prohibit wearing a face mask, or in circumstances where it is necessary to evaluate or verify an individual’s identity.
- Persons whose religious beliefs prevent them from wearing a face covering.
Office: 414-502-9899 Worship Sunday mornings at 10:00 am, 2456 W Auer Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53206
Friend of Sinners Mission is a member congregation of the PCA and the New City Network |